Public Member Functions | List of all members
ASemanticSegmentationCamera Class Reference

#include <SemanticSegmentationCamera.h>

Inheritance diagram for ASemanticSegmentationCamera:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ASemanticSegmentationCamera:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 ASemanticSegmentationCamera (const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer)
void Init (FCameraBaseParameters parameters, bool SimulateSensor=true) override
virtual ESensorTypes GetSensorType () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ACamera
 ACamera (const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer)
virtual void Init (FCameraBaseParameters parameters, bool SimulateSensor=true)
virtual ESensorTypes GetSensorType () const override
void ChangeCameraParameters (FCameraBaseParameters newParameters)
FCameraBaseParameters GetCameraParameters ()
void AddPostProcessingMaterial (const FString &Path, float Weight=1.0f)
void RemovePostProcessingMaterial (UMaterial *Material)
USceneCaptureComponent2D * GetCaptureComponent2D () const
UTextureRenderTarget2D * GetCaptureRenderTarget2D () const
void AddWidgetToWindow (UWidget *WidgetToAdd)
void RemoveWidgetFromWindow (UWidget *WidgetToRemove)
void SetShadowRendering (bool RenderShadows)
void SetTemporalAA (bool SetTemporal)
void ResizeCamera (int Width=1280, int Height=720)
void SaveCurrentFrameToDisk ()
int GetCameraWidth () const
int GetCameraHeight () const
void SetUseGimbal (bool UseGimbal)
virtual FString GetParametersAsString () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ASensor
 ASensor (const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer)
FString ExportToJsonFile (const FString &FileName)
virtual ESensorTypes GetSensorType () const
FString GetSensorIdentifier () const
void SetSensorIdentifier (const FString newIdentifier)
FString GetSensorName () const
virtual FString GetParametersAsString () const
void SetSensorName (const FString newName)
virtual FString GetTopicName ()
UTopic * GetROSTopic () const
void SetSimulateSensor (bool SimulateSensor)
bool CanSimulateSensor () const
ASensorModelGetSensorModel () const
void SetSensorModel (ASensorModel *NewSensorModel)
FORCEINLINE bool IsROSConnected () const
UROSIntegrationGameInstance * GetROSGameInstance () const
virtual FString GetActorID_Implementation () const override
virtual FString GetActorName_Implementation () const override
virtual FString GetActorInformation_Implementation () const override
virtual void SetActorName_Implementation (const FString &NewActorName) override
virtual void SetActorIDAndName_Implementation (const FString &NewActorName, const FString &NewID) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from IActorInformation
FString GetActorID () const
FString GetActorName () const
FString GetActorInformation () const
void SetActorName (const FString &NewActorName)
void SetActorIDAndName (const FString &NewActorName, const FString &NewID)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ASensor
static void HideComponentForAllCameras (UPrimitiveComponent *PrimitiveComponent)
static TMap< FString, FColor > GetSemanticColors ()
static TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UPrimitiveComponent > > GetComponentsToHide ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IActorInformation
static void SetAndValidateActorIDAndName (FString &ActorName, FString &ActorID, TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > Actor)
static bool DestroyActorByID (const FString &ID)
static AActor * GetActorByID (const FString &ID)
template<typename T >
static TArray< T * > GetActorsWithInterface ()
static void PrintAllIds ()
- Public Attributes inherited from ACamera
TEnumAsByte< ETextureRenderTargetFormat > TextureFormat = ETextureRenderTargetFormat::RTF_RGBA8
FCameraDelegate_OnWindowClosed OnCameraWindowClosed
FCameraDelegate_OnWindowResized OnCameraWindowResized
- Public Attributes inherited from ASensor
FSensorDestroy OnSensorDestroy
FString AttachedToComponent
FName AttachedToBone
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ACamera
virtual void BeginPlay () override
virtual void EndPlay (const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason) override
virtual void PreActorTick (UWorld *World, ELevelTick TickType, float DeltaSeconds)
virtual void EndOfFrame (UWorld *World, ELevelTick TickType, float DeltaSeconds)
virtual void EndOfFrameParellel (float DeltaTime)
virtual void AddProcessingToFrameBuffer (TArray< FColor > &buffer)
virtual void SendImageDataToROS (const TArray< FColor > &FrameBuffer, int32 Width, int32 Height)
void HidePrimitiveComponent (UPrimitiveComponent *PrimitiveComponent)
void SaveImageToDisk (const TArray< FColor > FrameBuffer, int32 Width, int32 Height)
void SaveCameraMetaDataToDisk (const FString &ImageName)
void CreateLogFile () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ASensor
virtual void BeginPlay () override
virtual void EndPlay (const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason) override
virtual void CreateROSTopic ()
virtual void DestroyROSTopic ()
virtual void CreateDataSavePath ()
bool IsLogFileCreated ()
virtual void CreateLogFile ()
void WriteToLogFile (const FString &Message)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ASensor
template<typename InStructType >
static FString StructToString (const InStructType &InStruct)
- Protected Attributes inherited from ACamera
bool UseParallelLateTick = true
FDelegateHandle OnPreTickDelegate
FDelegateHandle OnPostTickDelegate
FString CameraName = "Camera "
FString FilePrefix = "Data/Camera_"
UTextureRenderTarget2D * CaptureRenderTarget = nullptr
USceneCaptureComponent2D * CaptureComponent2D = nullptr
UTexture2D * CaptureFrameTexture
TSharedPtr< FUnrealWindowUnrealWindow
FTickEntry TickEntry
TWeakObjectPtr< UMaterialInstanceDynamic > IceMaterialInstance
TWeakObjectPtr< UMaterial > PhysicLensDistortion
APIDDroneDronePtr = nullptr
FRotator SensorSetRotation
bool AllowGimbal = true
- Protected Attributes inherited from ASensor
UTopic * ROSTopic = nullptr
bool SendDataToROS = true
ULogFileLogFile = nullptr
FString FileSavePath
UROSIntegrationGameInstance * ROSInstance = nullptr
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ASensor
static FPrimitiveAdded OnPrimitiveAdded
static const FName NiagaraPointsInt = "User.PointCount"
static const FName NiagaraHitPoints = "User.HitPoints"
static const FName NiagaraHitColors = "User.HitColors"
static const FName NiagaraPointsFloat = "User.Test"

Detailed Description

Class for Semantic Segmentation Camera.

See also

Definition at line 17 of file SemanticSegmentationCamera.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ASemanticSegmentationCamera()

ASemanticSegmentationCamera::ASemanticSegmentationCamera ( const FObjectInitializer &  ObjectInitializer)

Definition at line 8 of file SemanticSegmentationCamera.cpp.

8 : Super(ObjectInitializer)
10 PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = false;

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetSensorType()

virtual ESensorTypes ASemanticSegmentationCamera::GetSensorType ( ) const

Get type of the sensor

Sensor's type

Reimplemented from ACamera.

Definition at line 31 of file SemanticSegmentationCamera.h.

References SemanticSegmentationCamera.

◆ Init()

void ASemanticSegmentationCamera::Init ( FCameraBaseParameters  parameters,
bool  SimulateSensor = true 

Initialize new Camera sensor

FCameraBaseParametersCameraParameters struct

Reimplemented from ACamera.

Definition at line 13 of file SemanticSegmentationCamera.cpp.

15 // Defined in Camera.h
16 CameraName = "SemanticSegmentationCamera ";
17 FilePrefix = "Data/SemanticSegmentationCamera_";
19 AddPostProcessingMaterial("/Game/Agrarsense/Materials/PostProcessingMaterials/GTMaterial.GTMaterial");
20 Super::Init(parameters, SimulateSensor);
22 // This camera doesn't need to render shadows
23 SetShadowRendering(false);
void AddPostProcessingMaterial(const FString &Path, float Weight=1.0f)
Definition: Camera.cpp:59
FString FilePrefix
Definition: Camera.h:271
void SetShadowRendering(bool RenderShadows)
Definition: Camera.cpp:793
FString CameraName
Definition: Camera.h:269

References ACamera::AddPostProcessingMaterial(), ACamera::CameraName, ACamera::FilePrefix, and ACamera::SetShadowRendering().

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