Creating your own map


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Using the Simulator Using the Simulator
Using Vehicles Using Vehicles
Using Walkers Using Walkers
Sensors Sensors
Creating own maps Creating own maps
Building from source on Linux Building on Linux
Building from source on Windows Building on Windows
Installing on Linux Installing on Linux
Installing on Windows Installing on Windows

Creating your own map

This documentation goes through list of things you need add if you wish to create or use your own map but use AGRARSENSE Simulator features.

In order to start creating your own map you need install Agrarsense Simulator from source - Building on Linux or Building on Windows.

To start creating your map quickly, duplicate Empty or Playground level as these levels contain all the needed Actors the simulation needs to work.

All assets such as models and textures found in the AGRARSENSE project are distributed under CC0 License.

GameMode selection

Change map game mode to AgrarsenseGameModeBase. AgrarsenseGameModeBase.h class handles spawning certain actors when the Simulator starts.

Change game mode

Add needed Actors to the map

In the Outliner right-click any of the actors, and from Scripted Actor Actions submenu choose the "Setup Level" action. This will spawn all necessary actors which are not already in the level.

Setup level

Placing assets

You can place any assets in the map in the way you want.

However if you are using Agrarsense assets in your own map, prefer to use assets from /Content/Agrarsense/MeshActors instead of meshes directly from the content browser.

All these Blueprint assets are automatically instanced by InstancedRenderer using UInstancedStaticMeshComponent

in runtime, or preferably you can make them into instances in Editor by placing BP_InstancedRenderer Actor from /Content/Agrarsense/Blueprints/InstancedRenderer and clicking AddExistingActorsToRenderer button.


To make the walkers navigation work, add NavMeshBoundsVolume Actor to your level and expand its bounds to fit the entire level.

Setupping landscape snow

If your wish to use AGRARSENSE terrain snow system as in RovaniemiForest and Vindeln maps, you need to use have Landscape actor in our map. See RovaniemiForest or Vindeln map for reference.

Setupping the landscape snow using VirtualheightFieldMesh is somewhat complicated but here are the steps:

1) Add RuntimeVirtualTextureVolume Actor to the level 2) Select the Actor and change its Virtual Texture to RVT_VHM_Material 3) To the Bounds Align Actor, select your landscape then click Set Bounds button

4) Add Second RuntimeVirtualTextureVolume Actor to the level 5) Select the Actor and to Bounds Align Actor, select your landscape then click Set Bounds button 6) Select the added actor and change its Virtual Texture to RVT_Height

7) Add VirtualheightFieldMesh Actor to the level 8) Select added RuntimeVirtualTextureVolume Actor and set previously added RuntimeVirtualTextureVolume to Virtual Texture slot and click Copy Bounds 9) Now click Build and save the MinMax texture somewhere in the project. 9) For the VirtualheightFieldMesh Actor select material to M_VHM_Landscape_Inst or create your own material.

10) Go to your Landscape actor and find Draw in Virtual Texture array and add RVT_HVM_Height and RVT_VHM_material to it.

Add map to AgrarsenseSettings.h

In AgrarsenseSettings.h file you need to add map to MapNames and MapPaths TArrays.

Not strictly needed but certain things are not available if you don't add your map to the TArrays such as some ROS commands.

Your map in packaged build

To include your map in packaged build you need to open Project Settings and type maps to the search bar and modify following options:

Game Default Map - MyLevel

Transition Map - MyLevel

Server Default Map - MyLevel

List of maps to include in a packaged build - MyLevel map path

Note. If you wish to keep MainMenu as Game Default Map, you need to create new button to WBP_MaineMenu to be able to transition to MyLevel. Follow the blueprint logic how to transition to MyLevel map.

Project Settings