This is the complete list of members for AOverlapSensor, including all inherited members.
AOverlapSensor(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer) | AOverlapSensor | |
ASensor(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer) | ASensor | |
AttachedToBone | ASensor | |
AttachedToComponent | ASensor | |
BeginPlay() override | AOverlapSensor | privatevirtual |
BoundsComponent | AOverlapSensor | protected |
BuildAndSendMessage(const FString &Prefix, AActor *Actor) | AOverlapSensor | private |
CanSimulateSensor() const | ASensor | inline |
ComponentsToHide | ASensor | privatestatic |
CreateDataSavePath() | ASensor | protectedvirtual |
CreateLogFile() | ASensor | protectedvirtual |
CreateROSTopic() | ASensor | protectedvirtual |
DestroyActorByID(const FString &ID) | IActorInformation | static |
DestroyROSTopic() | ASensor | protectedvirtual |
EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason) override | AOverlapSensor | privatevirtual |
ExportToJsonFile(const FString &FileName) | ASensor | |
FileSavePath | ASensor | protected |
GenerateUniqueID() | IActorInformation | privatestatic |
GetActorByID(const FString &ID) | IActorInformation | static |
GetActorID() const | IActorInformation | |
GetActorID_Implementation() const override | ASensor | inlinevirtual |
GetActorInformation() const | IActorInformation | |
GetActorInformation_Implementation() const override | ASensor | inlinevirtual |
GetActorName() const | IActorInformation | |
GetActorName_Implementation() const override | ASensor | inlinevirtual |
GetActorsWithInterface() | IActorInformation | static |
GetComponentsToHide() | ASensor | inlinestatic |
GetParametersAsString() const override | AOverlapSensor | inlinevirtual |
GetROSGameInstance() const | ASensor | inline |
GetROSTopic() const | ASensor | inline |
GetSemanticColors() | ASensor | static |
GetSensorIdentifier() const | ASensor | inline |
GetSensorModel() const | ASensor | inline |
GetSensorName() const | ASensor | inline |
GetSensorType() const override | AOverlapSensor | inlinevirtual |
GetTopicName() | ASensor | inlinevirtual |
HideComponentForAllCameras(UPrimitiveComponent *PrimitiveComponent) | ASensor | static |
Init(FOverlapSensorParameters InParameters) | AOverlapSensor | |
IsLogFileCreated() | ASensor | inlineprotected |
IsROSConnected() const | ASensor | inline |
IsVisible | AOverlapSensor | private |
IsVisualizingOverlapArea() const | AOverlapSensor | inline |
LogFile | ASensor | protected |
NiagaraHitColors | ASensor | inlineprotectedstatic |
NiagaraHitPoints | ASensor | inlineprotectedstatic |
NiagaraPointsFloat | ASensor | inlineprotectedstatic |
NiagaraPointsInt | ASensor | inlineprotectedstatic |
OnOverlapBegin(UPrimitiveComponent *OverlappedComponent, AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult &SweepResult) | AOverlapSensor | protected |
OnOverlapEnd(UPrimitiveComponent *OverlappedComponent, AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex) | AOverlapSensor | protected |
OnPrimitiveAdded | ASensor | protectedstatic |
OnSensorDestroy | ASensor | |
Parameters | AOverlapSensor | private |
PrintAllIds() | IActorInformation | static |
ROSBridgeStateChanged(EROSState ROSState) | ASensor | private |
ROSConnected | ASensor | private |
ROSInstance | ASensor | protected |
ROSMessage | AOverlapSensor | private |
ROSTopic | ASensor | protected |
SendDataToROS | ASensor | protected |
SensorIdentifier | ASensor | private |
SensorModel | ASensor | private |
SensorName | ASensor | private |
SetActorIDAndName(const FString &NewActorName, const FString &NewID) | IActorInformation | |
SetActorIDAndName_Implementation(const FString &NewActorName, const FString &NewID) override | ASensor | inlinevirtual |
SetActorName(const FString &NewActorName) | IActorInformation | |
SetActorName_Implementation(const FString &NewActorName) override | ASensor | inlinevirtual |
SetAndValidateActorIDAndName(FString &ActorName, FString &ActorID, TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > Actor) | IActorInformation | static |
SetOverlapBounds(const FVector &NewSize) | AOverlapSensor | |
SetOverlapRelativePosition(const FVector &Vector) | AOverlapSensor | |
SetOverlapResponseToAllChannels(const ECollisionResponse Response) | AOverlapSensor | |
SetSensorIdentifier(const FString newIdentifier) | ASensor | inline |
SetSensorModel(ASensorModel *NewSensorModel) | ASensor | inline |
SetSensorName(const FString newName) | ASensor | inline |
SetSimulateSensor(bool SimulateSensor) | ASensor | inline |
SetVisualizeOverlapArea(bool Visualize) | AOverlapSensor | |
SimulateThisSensor | ASensor | private |
StructToString(const InStructType &InStruct) | ASensor | inlineprotectedstatic |
TryGetID(AActor *Actor) | AOverlapSensor | private |
ValidateID(const FString &ActorID, TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > Actor) | IActorInformation | privatestatic |
Vehicle | AOverlapSensor | private |
VehicleID | AOverlapSensor | private |
VehicleName | AOverlapSensor | private |
WriteToLogFile(const FString &Message) | ASensor | protected |